The company specializes in osseointegration: the integration of the implant with the bone through mesh and porous structures. Since 2018, we meet the ISO 13485 standard relating to the medical sector.
We wish to respond both the needs of surgeons and the diversity of different patients, their pathology and their bone structure by personalizing the implants. Our philosophy is focused on the client's needs and the solutions we need to provide them.
Our history
3D PRINT Establishment
3D MEDICAL Establishment
Prototyping & production launch
New building. Two new additive manufacturing production devices
3D MEDICAL is ISO 13485:2016 certified.
First serial production launch
Two new additive manufacturing production machines.
First own custom-made implant surgery

Our references

3D MEDICAL in media
Following the covid-19 epidemic, teleworking has become widespread in France. Companies and their employees are thus reinventing the way they work. The Ministry of Labor went to meet some of them in a mini-series called # JeTélétravaille. In episode 2, 3D MEDICAL explains how the company manages production and teleworking.
See more episodes.
Vincent Nuttens was the guest of Paroles d'Experts, a program from the La Tribune media, to answer a few questions about the boom and the potential of 3D printing.
You can relive her interview on the video above or read the full article (in french).
Utilisation des plaques verrouillées lors de fractures et d’instabilités cervicales chez le cheval, Cahier Scientifique n°200, p. 50-55
Read the articleUn cas d'arthrodèse cervicale utilisant un kit pour arthrodèse cervicale en titane issu de l'impression 3D.
M. Genton, F. Rossignol (Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Maisons-Alfort), K. Giffoni (Clinique Equine de Grosbois), V. Nuttens (3D MEDICAL), M. Farfan
Neck generation innovation: How metal 3D-printed implants are helping injured racehorses.
Article from GE-Additive in collaboration with Fabrice Rossignol and the veterinary clinic of Grobois.
Read the articleInnovation à bride abattue: comment des implants métalliques imprimés en 3D
viennent au secours des chevaux de course.
Communiqué de presse de GE-Additive sur 3D MEDICAL et la clinique de Grobois, au salon FormNext.
Read the article